
Los Andes Copper believes that strong community relations are fundamental to creating safe, sustainable and successful operations. We build all our community engagement on the commitment to design and develop a mining project that will become an engine of sustainable development for the region.

Our Community and Corporate Affairs team works closely with the local community and public authorities to ensure that their concerns are heard and addressed and have established the following key themes and pillars based on their feedback:

During 2022 we significantly increased our engagement efforts with the community and public authorities. We launched Fondo Concursable during the year, an open call to support social organizations and local entrepreneurs. It attracted over 90 applications and we closed the year with an event to celebrate the successful applicants which congregated 150 people from Putaendo. We will continue to grow and amplify our community projects and activities during 2023.

  • Participation of Minera Vizcachitas in the Local Business Council of the province of San Felipe, coordinated by the Universidad de Playa Ancha
    Participation of Minera Vizcachitas in the Local Business Council of the province of San Felipe, coordinated by the Universidad de Playa Ancha
  • Meeting with the neighborhood council of Los Patos and Carabineros de Chile
    Meeting with the neighborhood council of Los Patos and Carabineros de Chile
  • One of the winners of the Minera Vizcachitas Competitive Fund
    One of the winners of the Minera Vizcachitas Competitive Fund


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